A controversial bill that would require all new cars to be fitted with AM radios looks set to become a law in the near future. Yesterday, Senator Edward Markey (D-Mass) revealed that the “AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act” now has the support of 60 US Senators, as well as 246 co-sponsors in the House of Representatives, making its passage an almost sure thing. Should that happen, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration would be required to ensure that all new cars sold in the US had AM radios at no extra cost.
I grew up with a dad who listened to Rush Limbaugh or some conservative jockey (Mike Savage was quite bonkers, still cannot believe he got hired by MSNBC for about 2 weeks before he said some insane racist shit and got canned) on AM anytime I was ever in the car with him.
He’s now a QAnon nut.
I absolutely believe 25% of America listens to AM radio, all the christo fascists and qanoners and magatards on their 3 hour daily commute while they are angry that their kids or ex wives don’t talk to them anymore.
Oh fuck I forgot about that troglodyte. My parents were Limbaugh losers back in the day. Now they’re anti-vaxxers.
I had forgotten about Savage Nation until you mentioned that lunatic. He was crazy before crazy was cool.
Same, though my dad was liberal. He just kind of rage listened to these guys. Needless to say, I was young and impressionable and picked up some of their extreme views in my youth, but later got straightened out when I went to college. Fuck AM radio. It is responsible for radicalizing people who spend a lot of time in their vehicles. We should not require it in vehicles. I feel the damage done outweighs the potential benefits from emergency messaging. Everyone has a phone for that these days anyway.
And now you’ve figured it out. This probably has nothing to do with emergency preparedness and everything to do with keeping a propaganda pipeline open. Maybe the D votes are secured by arguing about emergencies, but I just don’t see it.
Recommend people get an AM radio for emergency use, but it doesn’t need to be required for every vehicle.
I have seen the movie, and it is extremely hard for me to watch.
After years of debunking insane nonsense from my Dad, only for him to come up with some new insane thing, then declare he is done with politics, then mention off hand something he could only have possibly heard from some insane QAnon type nonsense, I finally realized he’s an egomaniac incapable of being wrong, doing any self reflecting, who has no problem knowingly lying to those around him, about himself and those around him.
It was very hard for me to realize that though he says he loves me and has attempted to demonstrate this, interacting with him in any way other than coddling his feelings, entertaining his nonsense … just results in him being classic narcissistic asshole.
Better off without him in my life. So, so much less stressful.
Sorry for your loss (even if he’s not deceased, it’s like a part of you dies when something like this happens)
I appreciate your condolences.
There is unfortunately more to it than that… he’s ruined my life more than once, subjected me to insane medical procedures and treatment multiple times as a child, and covered for other family members who have abused me and lied about me…
It took a near death experience for me to figure out that basically none of my family are good people, they’d all rather argue with me than listen or god forbid actually help me in anyway or make amends for the massive mental trauma, physical danger they’ve put me in, financial burdens I now have from going along with their plans or advice and then that all going to shit because none of them can plan anything or be any kind or reliable.
Oh well, I guess.
Fuck, dude. Sorry to hear and glad you got out. Hopefully you’re doing well.
I’m not, but I am slowly on the mend.