Are there any linux users here, am i asking this in wrong community ?, If yes then sorry

Anyways the first linux for me was kali linux, I was a hopeless kid who wanted to learn hacking, and as everyone thinks linux is for hackers i just did some random google search about “Best linux distro for hacking” and the result was kali linux (since parrot os was not there at the time)

I watched a tutorial on how to install it, and that’s where it got worse. We didn’t have that much data to download a 3-4GB of iso file, so i went to a nearby friend to use their wifi and downloaded it. When I was installing it I selected the partition in which we stored all our family photos and other memories ( At the time I didn’t knew much about partitions and just wanted to try out linux). As I selected the wrong partition the windows installed on that partition and the files got deleted and I got into Kali linux, it took me some time to realise what I have done, but eventually I realised that many files were missing and was not able to boot into windows. Eventually I got scolded so much from my parents, but I don’t regret it because that opened up a new world of linux for me (but with some sacrifices)

    1 year ago

    Knoppix. Was recommended it by someone I chatted with at the time and that did not go well. This was not Knoppix’s fault though, but rather me not knowing what I got into. Things worked as one would expect, the applications that were included ran without issues, but the issue came when wanted to install software. At the time didn’t know anything about linux, so didn’t know how to use the terminal to install software, and when trying to install new ones using exe files that didn’t work for now obvious reasons. So threw that stuff out and went back to windows, and didn’t touch Linux again until Ubuntu Hardy Heron which went a lot better.