• chemical_cutthroat@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    He doesn’t want his party to fight against climate change, he wants to have his cake and eat it, too. The whole article is about coal and oil jobs, thinly veiled threats that anyone who isn’t a conservative wants those jobs gone.

    You know what?

    He’s fucking right.

    I want those jobs gone. I want a homeless crisis of hundreds of thousands of coal miners without jobs. You know why? Because in 100 years the world will be healthier for future generations. I’m sorry that your job of choice is killing the planet, but I’m not willing to sacrifice the world for your fucking paycheck. Even though the bit about Biden telling miners to learn to code was twisted, I agree with the twisted message, too. Fucking find something better to do with your lives. I really don’t give a shit what it is, just fucking do it. Suck it up, sacrifice and learn a new trade, and maybe your grandkids won’t die of lung cancer at 45. I’m tired of waiting around for someone to have the stones to take action. I don’t really give a shit any more, and if that makes me an asshole, I’ll live with it, but fuck, this shit is getting old. If we move towards annihilation at 1mph or 100, it doesn’t matter, we’ll get there eventually. It’s time to stop the ride. The warning signs have been there for decades. Your blessed Grand Ol’ Party obscured the facts, and if you want to blame someone for you not having a job when the mine shuts down, blame them. They lied to you and told you that it was a hoax. The democrats just need to rip the bandaid off.

    • bstix@feddit.dk
      2 months ago

      You can’t have hundreds of thousands of coal miners without jobs.

      There are less than forty thousand employed in the entire coal mining industry.

  • Godort@lemm.ee
    2 months ago

    If the Republican Party wants to expand its coalition, it will need to recruit young voters with a far more pragmatic message.

    That’s the thing though, They don’t want that. Climate change is a problem that will need to be solved from multiple angles and regulation is going to eventually be a requirement. The current republican party would rather see the world burn than risk making business interests upset.

  • jeffw@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Conservatives were once America’s environmental champions. Not that long ago, Republican presidents were carrying out the Clean Air and Water Acts, creating the Environmental Protection Agency, expanding the National Park System and even initiating the country’s most authoritative report on climate change, the National Climate Assessment.

    Isn’t that take excluding all of the leftist pressure on them that forced them to propose these half assed compromises?

  • cerement@slrpnk.net
    2 months ago

    “The human quest for interdependent order and our niche within it represents a profound necessity. The quest can, however, be perverted into a conservative grip on sameness. This has always proved deadly for the entire system.”

    —Frank Herbert, Children of Dune (1976)

  • iiGxC@slrpnk.net
    2 months ago

    Well I want the sky to be green instead of blue, but I usually don’t waste my time wishing for things that will never happen 🤷