for gratis or other reasons ?

  • Have you been a distro hopper ?
  • What is your favorite Linux distro ?

EDIT : Thanks for all the comments so far. Heartwarming really!

  • Fubarberry
    10 months ago

    My windows install started corrupting my hard drive every 1-2 weeks. Completely unrecoverable requiring a fresh install. I installed Linux to try to see if it was a hardware issue, and it worked fine without issues. Ending up just sticking to it. Couple years later I built a new PC, and tried windows again. I enjoyed having all my games work again (this was pre-proton so Linux gaming was hit or miss), but really hated the experience of using windows after being free from it for so long. Went back to Linux, and have been here ever since (about 10 years now). And thanks to valve/proton, I no longer feel like I’m giving anything up to use exclusively Linux.