Organic does not mean pesticide free. It just means they use so called ‘organic pesticides’ which are just as bad or worse, but they’re ‘naturally derived’ which sounds better to some people. It’s marketing BS. Any agricultural practice at scale uses pesticides and all produce should be washed before consumption.
Organic does not mean pesticide free. It just means they use so called ‘organic pesticides’ which are just as bad or worse, but they’re ‘naturally derived’ which sounds better to some people. It’s marketing BS. Any agricultural practice at scale uses pesticides and all produce should be washed before consumption.
The “organic” Rotenone is a good example.
It’s souch better for you except for the strong link to causing Parkinson’s disease at low concentrations.
They also rely on extensive application of Pyrethrin and Spinosads. Both are broad spectrum insect killers who wipe out beneficial insects.