Note: I am not affiliated with this in any way, I just want more people to bet against.

  • ftl
    11 year ago

    Hmm, not sure I get it yet.

    Is there anything to do besides pick a monster to bet on before the fight starts? And is there any way to have more time to read the stats before betting? I barely had time to read the names and the CR before it seemed that time to bet was about up.

    • KranerianOP
      11 year ago

      No, that’s pretty much it. I usually just try to do a ballpark guess based on AC / HP / attacks. Sometimes you get really one sided matchups though with the random modifiers, like a fire attuned thing vs something immune to fire, so watch out.

  • @WintLizard
    11 year ago

    Seems like this might be inspired by saltybet, if youre looking for something similar with more activity you should check it out. That one is not DnD themed though.

  • Gargleblaster
    111 months ago

    I’m having a lot of fun with this simple idea. I like how the monsters have stats all their own and not carbon copies of DnD sources.

    My favorite fight so far was a kobold v a pony.