I’m using lineage for some years now, with a longer break between 19 and 20. Stayed with 19 for a long time. Everything on a Moto G7 Plus. No problems until I smashed the phone. Got two new used ones and installed 20. Both showing strange camera … lag? Even more strange, this applies to all FOSS camera apps I’ve tried. Feels like the OS runs into super high CPU load and thus significant lag when using the camera app. That applied to both new phones. Can someone push me into the right direction? Thanks a lot.

  • dsmk@lemmy.zip
    1 year ago

    This was asked before on Reddit (archived). It seems that the maintainer is aware, but it has been 7 months since the first build was released and he hasn’t fixed it yet… maybe it’s not easy. The top comment there quotes someone from the XDA thread that mentioned that using a Google Camera mod works, but it’s not open source and it wouldn’t fix the problem on other apps that use the camera. It might alleviate the problem for some though.

    If you don’t need Android 13, maybe you can use LOS 19 instead? You can find a copy of the last 19 build on the Internet Archive. It’s a few months out of date, so it won’t have the latest security patches. Or could also make your own LOS 19 builds (instructions). I never did it, but it’s a good way to stay on older Android versions for longer. They should keep merging security fixes from upstream for at least another 1 or 2 years.