So it stands to reason that communism is the greater evil and communist are extremist.

Anybody have any reason they disagree?

  • debate@gtio.ioOP
    2 years ago

    So, concluding that one is a greater evil out one particular set of criteria is a fairly weak justification.

    Justification? They are both terrible. Both evil. All Nazi’s and all communist should be jailed for the mass murderers they are.

    So, even though Stalin was labelled himself as communist, his actions that triggered those deaths are more aligned with nazis than communism itself.

    right because Communist are worse than nazi’s. They kill more people and commit more evil.

    To also point, how the policies were enacted was problematic as well

    Yes communist policies are evil. Because of the killing.

    Trying to have a throw down about an ideology which staple is focused on racial-exclusion and racial-purity over another which is focused on addressing socioeconomic problems

    Nazi’s were trying to address socioeconomic problems for Germans.

    Week arguments. 0/10

      2 years ago

      I guess I have interpreted this in two forms when I looked at your post title:

      I think that communist have killed more people than the Nazi

      1. Literally the title
      2. Communists are worse than nazis (generally) Which breaks down to “Communism is worse than a ethnic-exclusionary political system”

      Which, sure if you want to examine just 1. Then the questions I made in my previous post still haven’t been answered: So what’s your resolution here and what is your criteria and your definition of nazi in this case? Are we going to examine when something is a direct cause or a side-effect? How do you want to distribute responsibility of a death as well?

      However, to reply to this:

      All Nazi’s and all communist should be jailed for the mass murderers they are.

      If you have participated in a mass murder, you should be jailed, regardless of ideology. I can only infer that you are attempting to just group people of a particular ideology as being responsible for another’s action. You may have a particular argument for nazis as they do vilify particular ethnicities but it’s going to be a stretch for a communist.

      Now, we’re going to examine point 2 which still factors in point 1 but is viewing communism differently than what you appear to see it as.

      right because Communist are worse than nazi’s. They kill more people and commit more evil.

      Okay, so… it really seems like you missed my point here. Stalin was a meteorologist, do we round up all the meteorologist because Stalin was a fascist meteorologist that excluded people based on ethnicities? No… of course not, that’s silly. However, the practice of excluding ethnicities is one shared with nazism.

      Yes communist policies are evil. Because of the killing.

      You have to do better than: because a communist did X, therefore it is a communist policy. Trump signed and enacted stimulus cheques during COVID, I wouldn’t be going so far to say suggest that Trump is now some communist and is now best friends with Bernie Sanders).

      Nazi’s were trying to address socioeconomic problems for Germans.

      Sure, with a huge ethnocentric backdrop around their policies.

      It’s obvious that the ideology of those policies are aligned more with nazism than communism and hence the point I am making.

      It’s kind of funny that you have danced around the ethnic-exclusionary part of my argument and simply concluded:

      Week arguments. 0/10

      What I got at in my previous post is that, due to the concentration of power and both states forming a fascist government, they have the power to enact horrible things onto the populace (see: ethnic cleansing). However, the root of that action is just racism which is more aligned with nazism.

      Communism doesn’t promote ethnic cleansing but more or less, the most notable practices of communism do involve this (however, you can clearly make a similar argument with capitalism in which the common pattern is concentration of wealth and power which then enables fascist). Actions like deportation of ethnic-minorities are nazi/nazi-like policies, not communist policies.