Recently I’ve found it to be highly taboo to talk about IQ score differences between races. Wikipedia states that race is a social construct so such differences cannot exist. But we all see physical differences and test scores clearly demonstrate a difference in IQs.

I have sources for this graph, does anyone have any contradicting sources?

For example if adopted children have the same IQ score as their parents to show that IQ is more of a social construct?

To what extent do you think IQ is social verses genetic?

    2 years ago

    Hi, I think you should understand socioeconomic status and how that can directly influence the scores you see there. Strictly showing averages doesn’t really mean shit as there is likely sub-sets of these group that could be considered outliers (I can guarantee that).

    Also in saying this, most governments have some kind of epidemiology department of which that obtain data which can explain these results in clearer sense. More of less, you’ll find that studies like this usually conclude that socioeconomic status is the main culprit here, which comes in many forms, but for some insight:

    • Income
    • Accessibility to education, healthcare, transport, etc
    • Occupation
    • Neighbourhood

    Pretty much a quick summary (and why governments usually bang on about keeping the economy going so much), your economy does influence quality of life. However even with a strong economy, factors like corruption which actions that would further a wealth gap negatively impact quality of life.