Recently I’ve found it to be highly taboo to talk about IQ score differences between races. Wikipedia states that race is a social construct so such differences cannot exist. But we all see physical differences and test scores clearly demonstrate a difference in IQs.

I have sources for this graph, does anyone have any contradicting sources?

For example if adopted children have the same IQ score as their parents to show that IQ is more of a social construct?

To what extent do you think IQ is social verses genetic?

  • thann@gtio.ioM
    2 years ago

    But if its true intelligence is hereditary

    Not true. Smart people have dumb kids all the time…

    intelligence makes one more likely to make more money

    This is not actually true. Subjugating others is the easiest way to make money. Being a psychopath will probably help you out more than intelligence.

    isn’t the fact that their parents had money and they passed their classes an indication that their genes are expressing intelligence?

    But unintelligent people will clearly not spend their money wisely

    Both statements incorrectly assume all people have the same opportunities

    • mrpotatoe@gtio.ioOP
      2 years ago

      This is not actually true. Subjugating others is the easiest way to make money. Being a psychopath will probably help you out more than intelligence.

      Subjecting others seems like it would take a large feat of intelligence seeing how most people don’t like being told what to do.

      Opportunity is important to be super wealthy but the difference in upper and lower middle class seem like it has more to do with how effective a person is which correlates highly with intelligence and IQ score.

      • thann@gtio.ioM
        2 years ago

        Subjecting others seems like it would take a large feat of intelligence seeing how most people don’t like being told what to do.

        I think the blatant stupidity of kings past serves to debunk that

        neither capitalism nor democracy promotes intelligence unfortunately.

        • mrpotatoe@gtio.ioOP
          2 years ago

          I think the blatant stupidity of kings past serves to debunk that

          kings were often killed by close family members if they proved to be to unstable. Many were very intelligent. Obviously some made the mistake of marrying cousins.

          Capitalism often favors intelligence. Just like natural selection. It takes a high degree of intelligence to understand what to invest your money in.

          • thann@gtio.ioM
            2 years ago

            Many were very intelligent

            Citation needed

            Capitalism often favors intelligence.

            This is what capitalists want you to think, just like how kings passed off the “god chose us” lie. in reality they’re mostly psychopaths who inherited everything.

            You should make this a separate debate post if you want to continue that debate.