• Boozilla
    493 months ago

    “We are here on Earth to fart around, and don’t let anybody tell you any different.” --Kurt Vonnegut

  • @Zikeji@programming.dev
    313 months ago

    As a software developer, more frequently than I’d like. Pouring a couple weeks into an epic only to see the entire thing scrapped… At least I got paid.

    Happens with personal projects too sometimes, I’ll start refactoring and decide at the end of the weekend I really don’t want to waste me next weekend on it and it’ll go to the archives lol.

    But even in those cases, not entirely worthless. I still learned and grew my knowledge. Same applies to similar scenarios not related to writing code.

  • @Monument@lemmy.sdf.org
    293 months ago

    I have ADHD, anxiety, and trauma.

    A solid 75% of everything I’ve ever attempted to do takes more time to do than regular folks because it has to be perfect. And then I may not tell anyone about my efforts because I don’t want the attention. Or if the work is too hard or I’m too scared of revealing I can’t do it all myself, I give up. Assuming, of course, I don’t forget about what I’m working on until the relevance has passed.

    • @Glytch@lemmy.world
      123 months ago

      Oh shit are you me? Adhd + anxiety is such a shitty combo, I feel like I can never accomplish anything and when I do I don’t even get the satisfaction of a job well done because the chemical reward system in my brain is screwed up. Shit sucks.

  • @Gerudo@lemm.ee
    263 months ago

    In my retail days, every time we had visits from corporate. We would bust ass on overnights to make our location look good.

    One time, as a fucking manager, I was told I needed to literally scrub the floors. Our machine that did it hadn’t been repaired in 6 months due to the GM pinching pennies. He told me to scrub the real bad parts by hand.

    Corporate came the next AM. Spent all of 5 fucking minutes in our store to tell us his flight got changed and had to leave. I chewed out my manager and told him it was the last time myself, or any of my crew was slapping lipstick on a pig for a corpo visit.

  • Bobby Turkalino
    253 months ago


    Early in my career, I made the mistake of revealing to my employers that I’m competent at my job. More and more work flowed onto my plate and before long, I was assigned tasks that were supposed to go to seniors. So, the seniors received almost double my salary while they enjoyed more open schedules since I was doing my work + some of theirs.

    It’s simply not worth it to go above and beyond at work, unless it’s your own business.

    • @Patches@sh.itjust.works
      3 months ago

      No no don’t you know how these things work?

      We’re to use this extremely common feeling to diagnose a variety of mental illnesses over the Internet. You can then take that information and put it into your Insta Bio, and your AIM status to up your street cred.

      • Signed a Bi-Demi-Autistic-AHDH-Bipolar-Split-Personality-Australopithecus-Queen
  • @bulwark@lemmy.world
    163 months ago

    I spent years of my life and a ton of money on a 150 gallon salt water tank. I had a thriving coral population and a lots of cool little fish and crustaceans. The metal-halide hood alone cost $2,500. I moved houses and just couldn’t bring myself to set it back up.

  • Nuggsy
    143 months ago

    Often… I have sometimes spent hours trying to photoshop faces of my mates (with permission) on random objects or random scenarios, like a cat or kettle, trying to make it look as normal as my skills allow for a 1-off joke.

  • @stoly@lemmy.world
    143 months ago

    Most things, in my experience, are not worth the effort. I really feel that a lot of people who are constantly hustling, going out and doing things, etc. are doing so because they can’t allow themselves to stop and think. I tend to focus on necessary things (food, shelter, etc) and some things that let me feel comfortable. For the rest, I just try to live a quiet life.

    • @Vilian@lemmy.ca
      83 months ago

      I’d probably be a better and happier person.

      don’t say that while i’m in university, i’m gonna start second-guess myself…again.

  • @GrymEdm@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Sometimes, and I think that’s normal, but usually upon reflection there aren’t many things that are truly worthless. I totally sound like a bad motivational poster but I really believe that even poor uses of time can teach you things - even if only how to be patient, forgiving to yourself, or wiser. It’s a life philosophy of mine that you should always be pushing yourself enough that you might fail (research shows that failing about 15% of the time is the sweet spot for motivation and learning). Plus sometimes just passing the time is a goal in and of itself, especially if you’re doing something you enjoy. Playing a video game, listening to music, etc doesn’t “accomplish” a lot but makes life better.

      • @cordlesslamp@lemmy.today
        63 months ago

        Or maybe it’s just me. I’m getting old now and doesn’t have infinite free time to do mundane virtual chores anymore. I got 1-2 hours of free time per day, if I’m lucky and the kid won’t tear up the house.

        It’s a shame, one of my favorites was Elite Dangerous. I love explore the universe in peace. But to be able to do so would require months of constant and repetitive grinding for material to upgrade the ship.

        • Chainweasel
          43 months ago

          Oh no, it’s definitely not just you.
          I feel like the overall design of games has been lazy lately and they’ve just filled them up with mundane chores to pad the completion time.
          No one’s going to pay $70 for a game if they know there’s only 2 hours worth of story to play through.

          And I deeply loved elite dangerous but it was definitely just space trucking simulator, I feel like frontier really messed up whenever they pushed all their resources to whatever idle Sim game they were designing that flopped.

      • @stoly@lemmy.world
        13 months ago

        This is why I have failed to make any headway in Skyrim even though I’ve tried to play it 5 - 6 times.

    • @stoly@lemmy.world
      23 months ago

      An oh dear, I DON’T CARE ABOUT YOUR LORE. Just let me start playing the stupid game, no need for a giant cinematic.