• @givesomefucks@lemmy.world
    313 months ago

    The new arms packages include more than 1,800 MK-84 2,000lb bombs and 500 MK-82 500lb bombs, said the sources, who confirmed a report in the Washington Post.

    Washington gives $3.8bn in annual military assistance to Israel, its longtime ally.

    Those bombs aren’t for taking out precision targets they’re dumb bombs for flattening city blocks.

    • @locke
      3 months ago

      They can be used as warheads for precision-guided bombs, though. No idea if Israel is gonna do that.

      • BombOmOm
        23 months ago

        Yeah, I would expect Israel to add a guidance kit to these. The kits are cheap and it makes the bombs significantly more effective.

        A US guidance kit for a MK-84 is the GBU-10:

        • @Land_Strider@lemmy.world
          33 months ago

          With the guidance maybe you can pinpoint a car or a person, but it won’t matter as long as the payload is still destructive enough the level city blocks.

      • @Maggoty@lemmy.world
        13 months ago

        It doesn’t matter how much guidance you put on a 2,000lb bomb. It’s still going to level several apartment towers when it hits a city.

        • mihies
          73 months ago

          Trump was/is pro Israel as shit. Just remember Jerusalem embassy. It would be the same if not worse.

          • Melkath
            23 months ago

            I made a comment mocking people who say this, and you just came right in and said it. facepalm

            So now I have to say it. Again.

            Genocide is genocide. Both of the evil right wing geriatric white men are equally as bad for Palestine. Biden is worse for the non-superpower world and China. Trump is worse for US migrants and better for Russia (which is a bad thing).

            Both of them are evil people who bring equally different catastrophic consequences, but both of them continue genocide in Palestine, which is genocide.

            • mihies
              23 months ago

              You deduce quite a lot. Yes, both (all of recent US presidents) are pro Israel and would probably behave similarly, however, Trump could do even worse based on his personality and past deeds. I’m sure he’d find a way. Now, deducing that I’m for Biden or something and try to downplay obvious genocide enabled by US, is your 🤦‍♂️

              • Melkath
                -23 months ago

                What are you even saying?

                What did I deduce?

                What did I say about you?

                All I did was ridicule the stupidity of saying “Bidens genocide is better than Trumps as to yet theoretical genocide.” Which is just a stupid thing to say.

  • @Maggoty@lemmy.world
    73 months ago

    The best part is where we give them more F-35s. So if we did ever want to completely cut ties they’d have our latest plane technology available for the highest bidder. And they’re much better armed if the UN ever did manage to pass a binding resolution.

    They’re running the same playbook as the GOP on this one.

    • That’s not true!
    • okay it might be true but we need more evidence!
    • Oops too late to do anything about it now. I guess we just have to leave it like that. The way I always wanted it.