First, I want to say how great it is to see success in a social media platform not owned by some giant cooperation. That said, right now we are at a turning point where we can still change the platform in major ways and I think we all have a shared interested in Lemmy becoming the best it could be.

Let’s face it, Reddit had many problems even before the API changes. The toxic herd mentality, over and under moderation at the same time, small posts getting drowned out by already big ones and so much more. As you probably are already aware of, social media can quickly end in filter bubbles, extremization and bringing out the worst of the human psyche. These are not problems simply fixed by better moderation. Rather, these are problems resulting from the engagement driven design of most platforms (Post controversial statement -> many comments -> Post gets delivered to more people -> even more engagement -> …) I want Lemmy to be a place that brings people together instead of dividing us apart.

Therefore, I wanna start a conversation on what design changes Lemmy should implement in the future to make sure the platform remains humane and everyone can engage in respectful conversations.

I think a good starting point are the recourses of the Center for Humane Technology, like their course on Foundations of Humane Technology

I’m looking forward to hearing your opinions and ideas on this :)

  • Amir
    2 years ago

    This might sound funny or weird; - Can we consider to implement The Kaizen Philosophy into this platform? I am all taking this seriously. The overall quality of the software & hardware products that we utilize could significantly improve - continuously over time.

    I have no experience in software development but believe it could work, based on what the project is.

    Here are some short steps, that can be followed through for all things in life;

    1. Why is this step important?
    2. What positive value am I adding by doing so?
    3. Where should I do it?
    4. When should I do it?
    5. Are there any other people involved?
    6. Is it being done correctly?
    7. How often must I do it?

    The PDCA - Cycle;

    1. Plan - 7 Question System
    2. Do
    3. Verify
    4. Act

    Above is based on science and it’s implemented on many industries past few decades. Now it’s content or checklist that the Lemmy Communities could implement, should be based on the general consensus here. See above as an template.