I am just very curious what peoples stories are. And if you are not using Linux what is holding you back?

No judgement of any kind, just pure curiosity.

  • djsyklone@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I had been using Linux in virtual machines off and on for various reasons (often just exploring) for years. It wasn’t until I bought a Chromebook that I really got to digging deeper into Linux. Before Linux and Android apps on Chromebooks there was Crouton to run a full desktop chroot. I had to learn and use Linux a lot more to get the most out of this. Eventually I would install Linux on any / all secondary machines that I had since it performs so well on low resources. Flash forward to today and my favorite desktop operating systems are ChromeOS and EndeavourOS. I still use Windows 11, MacOS and Manjaro as well. There are pros and cons to all of these OSes. I just prefer ChromeOS and EOS with KDE because they are the easiest for me to get up and running ASAP on.

    • MouseWithBeer@iusearchlinux.fyiOP
      1 year ago

      Damn, it seems like you have used/are using everything under the sun. I am scared to ask how many machines do you got or is it just a lot of dual booting/VMs.

      • djsyklone@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        I currently have 4 laptops and 1 desktop with me in Europe and still have one older laptop and 2 semi new desktops in the USA. The desktops are Ryzen 5700G Win11 with Ryzen 5900X Win10 and Ryzen 2600 Manjaro in USA. The laptops are M1 Mac13, m3 6y30 EOS, m3 8100y CrOS, Kompanio 1200 CrOS and i5 5200u Win10 in USA. Mobile: https://www.kimovil.com/en/user/dbjungle#user-devices

        I wish I could say there was some reason for all this but it’s just an unhealthy interest.

  • WagnasT@iusearchlinux.fyi
    1 year ago

    lost my xp product code and i had built a new pc, was stoked to try out RAID0. So i bought vista at walmart only to find out i picked up the upgrade version and not the base install, so i couldn’t activate it without an xp code. Got exposed to linux during my programming class, all assignments had to compile on the school’s server. After learning that linux was free and getting tired of reinstalling vista every 30 days (it got pretty manageable after i learned how to slipstream the installer but i was so done) i made a Ubuntu usb and fell all the way down the rabbit hole. I can still hear the ubuntu startup music and then the sudden BADADONK notification sounds. Wine was good enough to run my DOTA launcher (WC3) and that was all i really cared about back then. Believe it or not ubuntu was awesome back in those days. They did some 100 papercuts program focused on fixing annoying things, suddenly usability went through the roof, things just started working with less hastle. Eventually i distrohopped a bunch, i kept failing to get graphics to work on arch, stuck with fedora for a while, i was rocking intel’s clear linux for a couple years but kept running into stability issues. At some point Mesa decided to be awesome and i had an AMD card and Arch installed with zero problems (I use arch BTW). I moved /home to its own partition so i can distrohop easier but i havent reinstalled an OS since i did that several years ago. Anyway, i like my setup, i’m really set in my ways and have gotten fast and efficient. I think i’ll try Nix.

    • MouseWithBeer@iusearchlinux.fyiOP
      1 year ago

      I moved /home to its own partition so i can distrohop easier but i havent reinstalled an OS since i did that several years ago.

      Funny how things work out like that.

      Thank you for sharing!

  • tunawasherepoo@iusearchlinux.fyi
    1 year ago

    It was a low-spec laptop I was gifted as a teen. To give you an idea:

    • 32 GB soldered-in SSD
    • 4 GB RAM
    • dual-core celeron

    It came with Windows 10, and on day 1 it said I had low storage 💀. The huge bottle-neck for me was the un-upgradeable storage for sure, because a lot of programs I wanted to install (i.e. for art/music/programming) wanted to live on the C: drive rather than on my usb. And in general it was atrocious to use.

    I got introduced to Linux from the Godot Engine discord meme channel of all places. Lots of Linux users seemed to live there, so I thought maybe I ought to learn Linux to understand the memes 🤣 (and escape my insanity)

    I still was very unsure about wiping Windows in case something broke or still had info on there (i think i still do in my browser). So if not wipe the OS, I could have ran Linux off my USB, but it stuck out a couple inches so I didn’t wanna risk it unplugging 🤣. But my buddy suggested an idea to use the small MicroSD slot on the side. I was able to get one (128GB) for my birthday and decided to go with Mint. Things mostly just worked but there was some strangeness cause it was a persistent live usb install. But still so much better than Windows

    This was about 2.5 years ago now. And don’t worry, I saved up to build a desktop PC, running Arch, of course ;)

  • Ice Tree@iusearchlinux.fyi
    1 year ago

    Late 2020. I bought a new laptop with windows 8 installed. Needless to say it sucked and had a lot of problems, in the next day it refused to boot. Then by the power of our holy lord and savior Richard Stallman, I stumbled upon a video made by Linus Tech Tips. (Not the best place to learn about linux but we all gotta start somewhere?). And now after distro hopping twice, I settled on Manjaro.

  • mypasswordistaco@iusearchlinux.fyi
    1 year ago

    I got my first laptop a bit over 10 years ago with windows 7 on it. Used that for a while, but found myself getting interested in the dark web as an edgy teenager (I wasn’t really edgy, just a nerd with diverse interests) and found my way to tails.

    I played around with that for some time, which happened to also be the time that windows 8 came out. Used that for about a week, decided to wipe my windows completely and install mint. Within a year I switched to arch and I guess the rest is history. I’m actually on Manjaro now and really enjoying it!

      • djsyklone@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        I recently have gone from Manjaro to EndeavourOS myself within the past year or so. For me it was similar to the reason I switch from Ubuntu spins to Manjaro in the first place. I want new software ASAP. Manjaro was holding back KDE 5.25.5 with the rounded corner fix for quite a while even from the other channels. I also would run into issues where the kernels would no longer be supported but having them on my system caused problems with updates. Manjaro’s various kernels actually saved me a few times, but not sure what the best way to deal with this is while keeping support for additional kernels, but Arch only has 3 available at any time so they’re always supported. I still like Manjaro, and it’s the distro I would recommend to anyone who has anything but the most basic computing needs.

        • MouseWithBeer@iusearchlinux.fyiOP
          1 year ago

          Yea, things on Manjaro take absolutely too long sometimes. I had problems with Discord all the time which literally won’t run on an old version and Manjaro being nope, no update for you. I switched to unstable branch just to not have to constantly deal with it.

          • djsyklone@lemmy.world
            1 year ago

            I have migrated my laptop to EOS already, but I still have a VM with Manjaro I’m leaning on ATM. It would just be a few hours of effort to migrate but I will wait until I am more ready for that at a later date.