Kyle is in Michigan charging up some Chevy Silverado EVs during the media launch event of the truck. Rather than charging off of a propane or diesel mobile generator, the trucks are all being powered by a GM Hydrotec MPGS 60kW DC Fast Charger. We talk to Michael Bearman about his hydrogen DC Fast Charging solution

    1 year ago

    This is the kind of stuff that can shut down people who are against electric cars. Any time someone tries to make the joke about running a generator to charge an electric car, it’s easy to turn it back on them and make them have to think.

    What if the generator is running on hydrogen and the hydrogen came from water using solar during the day. Another thing I’ve heard people say is solar doesn’t work at night, we’ll there you go, it can if the energy from solar can be stored in another medium like hydrogen and then used at night. It’s exciting.