• Wurstkiste@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Question is, privileged compared to whom? Of course I do not want to be privileged compared to women, persons of color, whatever other part of society that I currently might be privileged compared to because I am a white man. But that should not mean that I have to hand my privileges over so they become privileged compared to me. We should all have the same level. That’s what I thought feminism was about. If it is not about ironing out these privileges and leveling the differences, but instead to hand them over and turn the tables, I have the fucking right to feel like a victim.

    • Tired8281@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Wow, way to read into what I said! My point was that you enjoyed that privilege, for your whole life, whether you liked it or not, and that puts you in a better position to handle any shit you might take for it now. Better off than someone might be who didn’t have the advantage of enjoying that privilege. That’s not saying you have to surrender that privilege or that somebody else is gonna come and take it, it just acknowledges that it’s a thing and you benefited from it. All that stuff about taking away your privilege came from you, and tbh it’s a little bit strange of a focus when I was simply acknowledging that it existed and that I benefited from mine. I’d give it up in a second if I could, honestly, because it’s not something I earned.