This is about as close as we can get for carbon-based life habitable planet. 2.6 times the radius of Earth and mostly ocean, what sort of marine lives swim in there? Give me chills if they exist.

    294 months ago

    This is where it starts to get exciting. Up to this point in human history, we have had no firm evidence of life on another world even though speculation runs rife. It is always just beyond our reach to detect it, but we may soon collect enough bio-signatures to infer its existence with reasonable confidence.

      104 months ago

      Life on K2-18 b is still pretty unlikely. Or at least what we would call life… There have been signs of Dimethyl sulfide, which would be one of those bio markers.

      • Orbituary
        64 months ago

        I would say it’s neither likely or unlikely. It’d simply unconfirmed. We don’t have a solid baseline for establishing how widespread life is.

        What we do know is that carbon and long-chain carbon molecules like methane are indicators. Nothing more.

        84 months ago

        Yeah not in a way detectable to radio telescopes though. If an atmosphere is stoichemetrically ‘far’ from equilibrium, this implies a biogeochemcical process that is pushing it out of equilibrium.

        Oxygen very quickly gets reduced out of the atmosphere. Thats the whole point of it as a bioindicator molecule. There aren’t many other species of molecule that are such a clear indicator of the presence of redox reactions. Preter oxidative respiration, If nitrogen was the electron receptor, but its species like ammonia might be visible via radio telescope. Google great oxygen holocaust. We know photosynthesis was happening before then, but oxygen wasn’t the terminal electron receptor.

        Oxygen would be a smoking gun, because you don’t keep oxygen in an atmosphere if something isn’t replenishing it.