Current breakdown at the time of this post sorted by the number of monthly active users:

  1. 101,013 total users / 27,472 active users
  2. 41,972 total users / 4,905 active users
  3. 12,270 total users / 4,178 active users
  4. 17,509 total users / 3,381 active users
  5. 8,675 total users / 2,935 active users
  6. 10,348 total users / 2,751 active users
  7. 22,967 total users / 2,310 active users
  8. 8,777 total users / 1,704 active users
  9. 5,072 total users / 1,656 active users
  10. 5,058 total users / 1,242 active users


  • @Nowyn
    1111 months ago

    Coming from the non-profit world, it is never that easy. Even when there is no one officially making any money, there are people who will see it as a way to make some bank. There is also a drawback in that not making money can and will affect the amount of time people can put in unless there is a fair way to get them compensation. Volunteering also brings a huge amount of interpersonal and inter-organizational drama. That is why grassroots organizations and movements have a habit of fracturing into smaller groups.

    At the same time, there is power in goodwill and being non-profit. You just really need to be careful in vetting your instance and keep an eye on issues in a way people not used to this type of world are not familiar with.

    But I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t have a belief that it could be successful enough as a community. I also wouldn’t have been working in the NGO world for the past decade if I didn’t believe in that. But let’s not have too rosy glasses on. Growing slowly will also give this community a chance to work out the kinks and not die in a blaze of fire.