• voxel
    2 months ago

    I’m still using 8 for gaming and stuff
    (i built my pc in 2021 and don’t see a huge reason to upgrade it yet except modded Minecraft/skyrim)

    • Optional
      12 months ago

      I too have 8gb and I hate it ( although i do use a lot of browser tabs on second screen it just isnt enough if you wanna do something else on the side :prolly can even do with 4 if I really limited myself and hated every second of it but even 8 isn’t good enough

      • voxel
        11 month ago

        8 is enough if you’re not multitasking too much
        wanna play a game? close absolutely everything except maybe discord (if you need it), but keep it in the tray
        wanna look sth up while playing? don’t forget to close the browser afterwards

        • Optional
          11 month ago

          yeah I agree thats why i said i hate every second of it ( coz without movies or second screen browser everything gets really boring even the most engaging games ( ofc any newer game is out of the question )