• @charlie_root@lemmy.ml
    12 years ago

    sorry, BS. What would prevents to form the same coalition with LePen ?

    We know what Macron did/does, he is not serving the country. Le Pen won’t sell any of their industrial flagship to anyone. Do not wave “the veil of hatred” as an excuses, it’s pure speculation.

    • @Sh3Rm4n@lemmy.ml
      12 years ago

      Why do you think that Mélenchon lost his credibility?

      And it sounds like you’d rather want Le Pen in charge instead of Macron, is that correct?

      • @charlie_root@lemmy.ml
        12 years ago

        And it sounds like you’d rather want Le Pen in charge instead of Macron, is that correct?

        I would rather want anyone else in charge instead of Macron.

        • @Sh3Rm4n@lemmy.ml
          12 years ago

          And I interpret the situation that Mélenchon rather wants Macron to be in charge instead of Le Pen. I don’t see why he loses his credibility because of that stance.

          • @charlie_root@lemmy.ml
            12 years ago

            So, you have a betrayer, Macron, in plain sight, you have indeed Le Pen (not really skilled) who has never been in place but at least is concerned by France … but you choose the betrayer. “Yeah but she is racist!”

            This is not what the DOM-TOMs and most of her non-white electors say.