• @AgreeableLandscape@lemmy.mlOPM
    2 years ago

    Meanwhile the US has more people dead from covid than literally any other country, even most countries combined. Certainly more people dead than China (again, despite having a much smaller population, and much lower urban population densities, which you’d think would mean an easier time preventing the spread of a virus).

    Literally “better dead than red.”

    Also, it’s a real bold claim that covid quarantine is equivalent to an actual prison.

    • HMH
      -82 years ago

      Well, the question was “Who’s more authoritarian?”, not who had the better response to COVID-19 and I just thought the timing to consider China less authoritarian with what’s going on there right now rather comical.

      Also, it’s a real bold claim that covid quarantine is equivalent to an actual prison.

      Compared to prisons in US that’s probably true, lol. But still, a friend of mine is in lockdown since 1st of April and they haven’t left their flat since. Also food delivery broke down for a few days and they had to life of their stocked milk for four days. Certainly not a situation I’d like to be in.