Likely relevant with the increasing size of the Lemmy federation.

  • poVoqOP
    52 years ago

    I am less optimistic about that. I theory yes, but looking at the way people in the Mastodon federation go about defederating entire instances and any instance that still federates with said instance because they don’t like some specific person’s opinion…

    Moderation isn’t really solved by federation, it just makes it harder to get enraged about this single face-less entity that does all the “censorship”. But that doesn’t mean instance moderators are not subject of plenty of accusations of “censorship” and “political bias”.

      12 years ago

      I theory yes, but looking at the way people in the Mastodon federation go about defederating entire instances and any instance that still federates with said instance because they don’t like some specific person’s opinion…

      The concern arises when there is a certain very dense small group of instances that bullies the rest. I fail to see how a properly decentralized federated universe would suffer unintended consequences such as this particular scenario.