What is the point of these forums if you’re banned for using it?

From the modlog: admin Banned @Julianus reason: 3 week timeout for more constant bickering expires: in 21d

There are admins with clear political bias and they are using their powers to suppress opinions they don’t like. This isn’t a ban for violating rules… but simply replying to their posts. What gives?

  • mekhosM
    2 years ago

    21 days for “constant bickering” is a bit vague (and something a large number of us are guilty of)

    More interesting than that though is your instance mandacaru.caatinga.digital which I have never seen before, and the sudden appearance of right-wing trolls from that same instance. If we look at the timing…@Nemo accout 2 hrs old currently (same time @Julianus account was banned) and troll accounts x7 created since then too.

    Maybe the banning served it’s purpose perfectly?

    • @drone621@lemmy.ml
      82 years ago

      I’m a little curious what this user was banned for as well. I don’t have any vested interest, but I scrolled through Julianus’ comments and didn’t see anything approaching bad taste. Maybe I missed it, or it was scrubbed.

    • I (Julianus) simply picked a server from lemmy.ml’s own list when I tried to log in and saw I was banned. I don’t know anything about those other accounts. In fact, they were banned before I could even read whatever they wrote.

      • mekhosM
        52 years ago

        Well you didn’t miss much, they just flail around saying some racist stuff and try to get some air-time for their scat fetishes - not kink shaming or anything, but I wish they felt more comfortable sharing that sort of porn within their own circles.