• @hamburglar26@wilbo.tech
    66 months ago

    They gave us money and facilities, we didn’t have to produce anything! You’ve never been out of college! You don’t know what it’s like out there! I’ve worked in the private sector. They expect results.

    • @jmp242
      26 months ago

      Ehhh, I’d say that expecting results really varies by the job. Or at least the results are usually KPI that are easily gameable if you don’t care about trying for a random bonus. I kept a job and got pay raises by basically doing the minimum and slacking off pretty hard for a while. I worked another job where they mostly wanted someone to be a warm body ready to talk to a customer, but otherwise didn’t really know if / what you did.

      • @hamburglar26@wilbo.tech
        26 months ago

        I posted a quote from Ghostbusters lol.

        But yes it isn’t too hard to game the system and get rewarded for minimal work. I had to put a shit ton of hard work in to get to that point but if I felt like it I could do minimal most days.