I modified reader.color_scheme at about:config and it worked flawlessly on both my home and work PCs, but not on the phone, it just stays white.

I’m using Fennec F-Droid btw, which is basically a fork that just removes the tiny proprietary bits from the browser, and is manteined by the FF devs themselves as far as I’m concerned.

  • LiliumOP
    03 years ago

    Oh, wow, I am almost mad at how easy that was lmao, thanks.

    Any idea when that rolled out? My searchings for a solution a month ago didn’t bring any mention of it, and I can’t say for sure I specifically paid attention to any changes on the menu when in reader mode.

    • Ephera
      03 years ago

      Definitely been there for more than a month already. I’d say at least six months, but probably more.

      Unfortunately, Firefox For Android never was terribly widely used and they had to do a major rewrite twice already, so yeah, things may not be documented quite as thoroughly.