• @chiliedogg@lemmy.world
    346 months ago

    Home owners get to write off interest, so us renters should get something.

    The real bitch is that I could totally afford a mortgage. I’ve lived in the same place for 11 years without missing a payment on my rent, but because it’s rent it doesn’t count towards my credit score, so fuck me right?

    • @ChewTiger@lemmy.world
      126 months ago

      I mean, they can’t have those dirty renters improving their credit scores and moving into their neighborhoods.

    • @Honytawk@lemmy.zip
      96 months ago

      Normally renters should be able to enjoy a low price compared to paying off loans.

      But since landlords jacked up the price to be equal or more than how much the loan costs each month, they aren’t getting that benefit.

      • @chiliedogg@lemmy.world
        16 months ago

        That’s how landlords operate. They don’t buy the properties cash. They get loans and have the renters pay the loans back for them, plus some more for profits. All they do is make housing more expensive.

      • Queen HawlSera
        16 months ago

        Actually I think they went and did the math and found that the average mortgage on a house is actually less expensive than rent nowadays. To the point where Banks turning people down because they can’t afford their rent is a complete non sequitur, they still do it, it just doesn’t make any sense that they do it. You know besides greed and keeping the peasants in their place

    • @Trollception@lemmy.world
      56 months ago

      Homeowners get to write off interest but rarely ever do. You need to exceed the standardized deduction in order for an itemized deduction to save you more money. So unless you are paying more than 20k/year in interest you are not writing anything off and are in the same boat as a non homeowner.

      • @chiliedogg@lemmy.world
        26 months ago

        Lots of people exceed the standard deduction. It’s not just home interest that can be written off taxes, and the home interest plus other eligible expenses often exceeds it.

        My side job has me working on contracts so I write off enough business expenses to exceed the standard deduction every year. Getting to write off a portion of my rent would be huge.

    • Queen HawlSera
      26 months ago

      Wait rent doesn’t count towards my credit score?

      I know the game is rigged but shit, and I thought people who couldn’t get the bank to understand that they can afford to pay $500 a month for a mortgage, but only if they can stop paying $3,000 a month for rent had it bad.