I’m not quite sure if electronics fit in with the community, but maybe some of you could point me into right direction with ESPHome and IR transmitter to control my minisplit heatpump at the garage.

The thing is cheapest one I could find (I should’ve paid more, but that’s another story). It’s rebranded cheap chinese crap and while vendor advertised that you could control it over wifi I didn’t find any information beyond ‘use SmartApp to remote control’ (or whatever that software was called) but it’s nowhere to be found and I don’t want to let that thing into internet anyways.

So, IR to the rescue. I had ‘infrared remote control module’ (like this around and with arduino uno I could capture IR codes from the remote without issues.

But, transmitting those back out seems to be a bit more challenging. I believe I got the configuration in place and I even attempted to control our other heat pump with IR Remote Climate component which should have support out of the box.

I tried to power the IR led straight from nodemcu pin (most likely a bad idea) and via IRFZ44N mosfet (massive overkill, but it’s what I had around) from 3.3V rail. The circuit itself seems to work and if I replace IR led with a regular one it’s very clear that LED lights up when it should.

However, judging by the amount of IR light I can see trough cellphone camera, it feels like that either the IR LED is faulty (very much a possibility, what you can expect from a 1€ kit) or that I’m driving it wrong somehow.

Any ideas on what’s wrong?

  • IsoKieroOP
    11 months ago

    Whatever came with that kit, so the quality is certainly superb, specs are nowhere to be found. I tried to use 100ohm resistor and even attempted to use it without resistor as there’s plenty of schematics around the web without one. I know that’s not ideal, but with 50% duty cycle and short pulses it shouldn’t cause problems.