Hello, I’m looking for a good place for learning C, preferably off proprietary platforms like Youtube or bloated sites filled with trackers and scripts. If you know websites, videos, ebooks (any type of content basically) regarding C, don’t hesitate linking them below. I’d be really grateful, as I’m trying to find my way in the world of programming :)

EDIT: sorry for all the deleted comments, those were duplicates lemmur made accidentally of my original comments.

  • Adda
    33 years ago

    I went to look at my professor’s website about C programming from his course at university. Well, not so much of useful beginner stuff there which are in English. I would at least encourage you to make sure to read a bit about the theory behind programming in general, not just how to program in C particularly, if this is meant to be your first time programming ever.

    Beside the classic The C Programming Language book mentioned earlier in the comments (as far as I know, highly recommended by everyone), one website there looked interesting in the whole introduction to programming department, as well as seemingly quite a good introduction to the C programming language with examples, assignments etc.: Notes for a university course about C. Just by flicking through a few chapters, it seems pretty good to me, to be honest.

    From my experience, though. It does not matter that much what will you decide to start with in a long run. It will be hard at first, whichever website/book you decide to pick. The good thing is, after a while, it will get just easier and easier with a time. That was at least my route when I first have been learning about programming (started with C, too). It is up to the beginners to stick with their endeavour. It is really useful to search for some practice assignments along the way to make the learning process more interesting and rewarding. Just reading about programming will not work at all. Programming has to be experienced first-hand, I would say. One learns by solving problems, assignments, little projects. And this whole effort takes a lot of patience. Lots of searching the internet for answers to things you do not understand, but every little bit helps.

    Hope you will find fun in programming and go through all of that up until the end… Or, I mean, there is no end per se. Prepare for learning something new every day for the rest of your programming days.