Hello, I’m looking for a good place for learning C, preferably off proprietary platforms like Youtube or bloated sites filled with trackers and scripts. If you know websites, videos, ebooks (any type of content basically) regarding C, don’t hesitate linking them below. I’d be really grateful, as I’m trying to find my way in the world of programming :)

EDIT: sorry for all the deleted comments, those were duplicates lemmur made accidentally of my original comments.

    • lemmitOP
      33 years ago

      no its not. guess im just clueless about programming

      • @stopit@lemmy.ml
        13 years ago

        if you’re serious…I am a very old man, who usually only lurks, because my interest in C is not to get a job, but for the fun in mental challenge. Youtube videos, and most free courses were either too basic (most of them) or too much (Harvard’s free open course)…sooooooo… this is what I did: I started working through a book; “C: How to program” Dietel - very detailed instructions and shit-tons of practice problems. After I got through the Arrays chapter, I started to worke through “The C programming language” by Ritchie - the “classic” I’m told. Midway through the “C bible” I can confidently work through CS50. Although I only started with CS at all and C as my first language at middle age for a mentally challenging hobby, you may be able to start with Harvard’s CS50 if you’re younger or smarter than me.

      • @stopit@lemmy.ml
        13 years ago

        you prefer “bloated proprietary sites and trackers”…makes believe you’re trolling.