• @uthredii@lemmy.ml
    73 years ago

    I am happy with the size of lemmy now. If lemmy gets too big we will have corporate shils, sock puppets and bots trying to manipulate the conversation.

    Having said that, I think there is a good chance Lemmy will take a decent chunk of reddit users in the near future.

    My reasoning:

    • I think lemmy’s interface is intuitive for new users (paritularly new users from reddit).
    • Open Source/Federation/Non coroporate patforms are something many reddit users are interested in and value.
    • Reddit is pushing some users away through increased advertising, subreddit bans, trying to get people to use the new app/interface.
    • There have been mass-migrations from reddit to other sites before (voat). If there is another mass-migration it will likely to be to a lemmy instance as there will allready be some content available and I as far as I know it is easy to set up an instance.
    • r/privacy has a raddle.me community as a backup forum in case it gets banned. If subbreddits start having lemmy as a backup that could draw new users.
    • @Deadnaut@lemmy.ml
      23 years ago

      Things shift the larger the pool of users get regardless. One plus is that in its current state I am actually posting whereas on reddit I never did even when digg.com was the behemoth and reddit was the small guy. As things grow more general/meme content comes into play i’d probably stop but that is fine.

      One possible outcome I find exciting is that due to its federated nature lemmy.ml could be come a sort of incubator for smaller communities e.g. everybody piles onto the main server by default, but then the admins can spin off groups of likeminded communities into their own instance.