How do you guys set internal domains?

Say i dont want to type and want a url instead, say jellyfin.servername - how would I go about that? I don’t want it exposed online via reverse proxy. I don’t need certs. No port forwarding on the router.

How do I type ‘jellyfin.servername’ into a browser and being up the jellyfin dashboard?

  • plo
    1 year ago

    Ah okay. You need some sort of reverse proxy.
    I really like caddy. Using it with caddy-docker-proxy in docker-compose makes it quite nifty:

    version: '3.7'
        image: containous/whoami
          - caddy
          caddy: http://whoami.mylab.home
          caddy.reverse_proxy: "{{upstreams 80}}"
        external: true

    Just make sure to explicitly use ‘http’ instead of ‘https’. That way it won’t try to create certificates.

    • novarimeOP
      11 year ago

      Cheers. I appear to have something of a mental block with revese proxies. I’ve used them successfully, but couldn’t definitively say I understood them enough to get on with things. I’ve always had some niche condition on my end that was slightly different to the guide or video I was watching which snafued the process.

      I have nginx proxy manager currently up and running and set up wildcards, but no dice on actually mapping anything properly, and there are multiple layers where things can be misconfigured, so diagnosis takes time, which is hard to come by at the moment.

      What this post has taught me, is that I need to just spend a weekend playing with reverse proxies enough til they’re sunk in. Thanks again for the advice.