The co-founder of failed cryptocurrency exchange FTX pleaded not guilty to a seven count indictment charging him with wire fraud, securities fraud and money laundering.

An attorney for FTX co-founder Sam Bankman-Fried said in federal court Tuesday his client has to subsist on bread, water and peanut butter because the jail he’s in isn’t accommodating his vegan diet.

  • pinkdrunkenelephants
    11 months ago

    No one here thinks being thrown in jail is justice being a vengeful spectre either, nor do we think it’s appropriate of you to frame it in such a way.

    Punishment IS righting the wrong. Like it or not, people need to see those that wrong them be harmed by the community because that is how reality and people are hardwired. If the community is unwilling to harm someone who harmed you, that means they think your well being is not important, and harm is the most direct connection to reality we have.

    Harm is what teaches us. Fear and harm are directly tied to the learning center of our brain, did you know that? Harm is what grounds us in reality and what snaps us out of solipisitic, disconnected thinking like the mindset SBF had. It’s vitally important not just to our health but to every living thing on this planet.