Students in Massachusetts will get free lunch and breakfast at school thanks to a new 4% tax put on people who earn more than $1 million.

  • @elucubra
    1111 months ago

    It’s not bleeding anyone. My father was an airline flag carrier captain in Europe. He made what he called “an obscene paycheck”. When taxes came around, he would say: look at what they are taking from me, I must be making a ton!

      211 months ago

      And most likely he was paying more then than someone earning the same amount does today. We’re not even close to scrapping our way back out of society being profoundly imbalanced towards the wealthy.

      11 months ago

      And that’s still only employee money. Very very high paid employee money, but ultimately still labor.

      You wouldn’t believe what you can pull down if you live off other people’s labor.