I resigned 1.5 months ago ( my notice period is 3 months ), hoping that I would be able to get a job in that time.

Now, I tried various job sites ( linkedin, indeed ) and via friends - no calls received.

I am a tech support ( 3 shifts ) with 12 year experience. Due to frustration, I did the resignation.

But, since too many newcomers are there,

  • lesser payment, its gonna be difficult to be get a job.

I have not gotten a single interview for past 50 days. Worried as I may not be able to get job in before the last date.

Staying with parents now, and I have wife and 2 kids. My parents will be able to support us for sometime.

I should not have resigned in the first place.

aita ?

  • cabbagee
    1 year ago

    You haven’t given us enough details around the resignation to determine if you’re an ah. Was your wife onboard with your resignation plans?

    You’re finding this out, but it’s usually better to find a job while you’re employed and then you can give notice. If your employer requires 3 mo notice I can see how that’s difficult.

    If you’re not getting any calls back then take a close look at your application. Check your resume, cover letters, and portfolio (if portfolios are part of your industry). Are there typos? Is the contact info correct? Are they tailored to the positions you’re applying to or do they sound generic? Maybe consult a professional to review your resume and cover letters. Best of luck.