[T]o fully appreciate our new world disorder with its daily menu of betrayals, threats, tariffs, annexations and outright villainy, we require an honest political vocabulary.
So let’s call a spade a spade — and place the words we need in bold-faced italics. Words like revolution. Führer democracy. Orbánization. Mafia state.
Our neighbours to the south are in the throes of an ugly and (so far) bloodless, full-scale second American revolution.
Trump and his radical cadres have threatened Canada, abandoned European allies, humiliated and blackmailed Ukraine, dismantled the state’s bureaucracy, attacked its universities and embraced the ugly worldview of Russian dictator, Vladimir Putin.
These acts do not represent just another disruption or a transactional presidency. Or some new form of unconventional politics. We are witnessing a revolution that pretends to address numerous and often legitimate grievances by overthrowing the ruling social order.
This is a pretty good read.