As a USian I wonder if Trump actually consistently understands the difference between Greenland and Iceland. I would love if y’all joined up with Iceland to try to confuse and humiliate the shit out of the Trump administration by satirically pre-confusing your two countries just to see if the Trump administration even catches it happening. For example when a leader from Greenland is speaking, casually refer to the capital of Greenland as Reykjavík just to see if the fuckers even catch it… then make fun of them mercilessly later.
Then if you get corrected by one of these goons say with a straight face that oh no “Nuuk” is a very offensive term for women in Greenlandian.
Hell, maybe even temporarily switch flags with Iceland just to commit to the bit. I know it would be a lot of work, just saying if y’all feel like trolling the US please do it as hard as you possibly can.
If you need a blueprint for this consult the character Minna Häkkinen (played wonderfully by Sally Phillips) from the TV show Veep which is a terrifyingly accurate takedown of U.S. politics. She constantly takes the piss out of the show’s U.S. characters and it is great.
As a USian I wonder if Trump actually consistently understands the difference between Greenland and Iceland. I would love if y’all joined up with Iceland to try to confuse and humiliate the shit out of the Trump administration by satirically pre-confusing your two countries just to see if the Trump administration even catches it happening. For example when a leader from Greenland is speaking, casually refer to the capital of Greenland as Reykjavík just to see if the fuckers even catch it… then make fun of them mercilessly later.
Then if you get corrected by one of these goons say with a straight face that oh no “Nuuk” is a very offensive term for women in Greenlandian.
Hell, maybe even temporarily switch flags with Iceland just to commit to the bit. I know it would be a lot of work, just saying if y’all feel like trolling the US please do it as hard as you possibly can.
If you need a blueprint for this consult the character Minna Häkkinen (played wonderfully by Sally Phillips) from the TV show Veep which is a terrifyingly accurate takedown of U.S. politics. She constantly takes the piss out of the show’s U.S. characters and it is great.