UNS 60L, with monte carlo carpet, red crypts, hydrocotyle, weeping moss, and salvinia minima. Terrestrial plants are some kind of scindapsus, syngonium, pothos, dragon’s tongue, and a heartleaf philodendron, some of which is growing in a HOB with filter media removed. No CO2. I haven’t done a water change in maybe 4 months now.
Stocked with crystal red shrimp, some orange neocaridina, pygmy cories, and ramshorn snails.
Looks natural and I like the arch shape. Nice job on the aquascaping! Shrimps, snails, and cories sound very low maintenance indeed. :)
Thanks very much! It was my 3rd aquascape and I really wanted to accent some kind of shape while playing off of it with the crypts. Turned out better than I had actually imagined.