I agree the literal splitting of hairs is very cool. The real issue is whether a certain noxious weed is safe to stomp on or maybe despite its faults it’s an attractive indigenous wildflower that blooms in the spring and bees frequent or it’s a root one can dig up and cook.
Sure, the plant was probably once stardust and it traveled here naturally in the shit of a sparkling kestrel 500 years ago. So say we all.
I agree the literal splitting of hairs is very cool. The real issue is whether a certain noxious weed is safe to stomp on or maybe despite its faults it’s an attractive indigenous wildflower that blooms in the spring and bees frequent or it’s a root one can dig up and cook.
Sure, the plant was probably once stardust and it traveled here naturally in the shit of a sparkling kestrel 500 years ago. So say we all.
All this has happened before and all this will happen again.