• supersquirrel
    1 month ago

    I suggest playing a more realistic mil-sim type game, I am decent at playing fps games, but I find apex exhausting and confusing to keep up with the meta, memorize specific recoil patterns and know the specific narrow situation to use each weapon.

    A milsim type game might be much more unforgiving in terms of being outsmarted by an enemy, but that is just it, everything becomes a game of mental cat and mouse. Pick up an ar with a 4x scope and you can leverage all of the playstyles of a shooter at once, rush a position with hipfire fullauto, then take a sniping position and hit far away targets, then fire midrange bursts to provide covering fire for teammates etc…

    You don’t have to remember the meta of how to use an m4 acog, you just pick it up and go, there really isn’t a “wrong” situation to use an m4 acog in infantry engagements (which is the whole point of a modern scoped ar), you can just jump right back into the fun part which is the mindgames that give meaning to the fights.

    Sometimes these communities are full of toxic men, and that sucks but the good ones are chill af and as I have argued I think the gameplay is MORE accessible than games like Apex and Counterstrike because if you get the bead on someone you are probably going to win an engagement no matter how sweaty of a player they are.

    I recommend Operation Harsh Doorstop, Easy Red 2, Insurgency etc…

      • supersquirrel
        1 month ago

        Endless Space 2 does seem like an awesome game, but to clarify when I say “4x” I mean the magnification of a rifle scope. 4x scopes tend to be a really nice middleground allowing you to rapidly switch between every playstyle in a game.

        • faintwhenfree@lemmus.org
          1 month ago

          Sorry, I was in a rush and read your comment and replied haphazardly. I read your comment again with some time and what you say makes sense.