In a Fox News interview, Donald Trump argued that Ukraine should not have resisted Russia’s 2022 invasion, claiming Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy should have made a deal with Vladimir Putin.
Trump criticized Zelenskyy for choosing to fight, compared the military strength of Russia and Ukraine, and said he could have ended the war quickly through negotiations.
Trump’s stance contrasts with Joe Biden’s strong support for Ukraine, including aid and sanctions on Russia.
Youbare forgetting also the warcrimes of Umranians where they have time travel labs yhey use to travel back in time to kill baby jesus every day and internet hacking centers used to force musk do awkward gestures. Truly the axis of evil.
I didn’t forget anything I just was listing stuff in order of importance.
You also forget Ukranian corrupt camera lens factories sabotaging all cameras worldwide in order to make the earth seem not flat.
What about Volodymyr Zelenskyy assassinating JFK?