• supersquirrel
    2 months ago

    Look at these figures, you are horendously off the mark with your conclusions here, California is going to continue to be a place where climate change brutalizes people and it sucks :(


    Also my argument is explicitly not that baseline environmental conditions are going to wreck havoc on people’s lives in California and rather that in places like California it is the increasingly wild swings in weather that is going to kill and displace people in mass amounts.

    I don’t think you are grasping my fundamental point. Most of the time these places will still have nice weather, it is the exceptions and the speed of them that will inveitably cause mass migration out of these areas.

    Think of it as living at the bottom of a long slot canyon along a river in the desert but the entire regional climate system is the slot canyon. Most of the time it is a wonderful place to live but the bad days are really bad and the trouble is they come with little to no warning.