rounding up and killing German civilians - like the Soviets did
What a shock, the zionist also can’t help but try to slip some Nazi propaganda in there too.
What’s your argument?
My point is that what you said was literally incoherent.
By the way, I did go and look up the Hamas charter, and found this that changed my opinion.
So you were deeply ignorant of the topic, but decided to pop off with pro-genocide propaganda anyway. This is exactly why the genocide has so much support in the West.
So I’d say that Hamas in its current state is not genocidal
Damn, so when you said that Hamas was not just genocidal, but had actually succeeded in committing genocide, you were talking out your ass.
All I’m saying is Hamas killed some Israeli people unjustifiably in the past
The fucking ANC killed some people unjustifiably in the past, so did the Jewish resistance against the Nazis; do we have to fucking go on about it every time we talk about those struggles too? Or just this one?
the insane amounts of war crimes
And here comes some more Nazi propaganda.
genocide is not a question of scale but intent.
Yeah, and remember that you knew fuck all about the intent of the Palestinians, by your own admition, but you went ahead and assumed that they were committing genocidal thought-crimes anyway, because westerners can’t fucking treat us as human.
How do i see the removed comments on the voyager app? Or do I have to pull lemmy up online?or is it just Zionist apologia brain rot and im better off pretending that shit didn’t even get posted lol
Removed by mod
It fucking was when the uprising happened.
What a shock, the zionist also can’t help but try to slip some Nazi propaganda in there too.
My point is that what you said was literally incoherent.
So you were deeply ignorant of the topic, but decided to pop off with pro-genocide propaganda anyway. This is exactly why the genocide has so much support in the West.
Damn, so when you said that Hamas was not just genocidal, but had actually succeeded in committing genocide, you were talking out your ass.
The fucking ANC killed some people unjustifiably in the past, so did the Jewish resistance against the Nazis; do we have to fucking go on about it every time we talk about those struggles too? Or just this one?
And here comes some more Nazi propaganda.
Yeah, and remember that you knew fuck all about the intent of the Palestinians, by your own admition, but you went ahead and assumed that they were committing genocidal thought-crimes anyway, because westerners can’t fucking treat us as human.
Holy shit chat, keep up the good fight!
How do i see the removed comments on the voyager app? Or do I have to pull lemmy up online?or is it just Zionist apologia brain rot and im better off pretending that shit didn’t even get posted lol