Hi all!

We’re very excited to move to Denmark soon as lifelong Americans. I have a good job lined up, and we’re set on a place to live for a while.

Any advice from people who have done it, looked it up, had friends who have done it, etc? Just in general :)

  • frankOP
    2 hours ago

    Yeah, this is all great advice. I work for a very European style company in the US and will work for a Danish company in Denmark. So I’m not expecting total culture shock (like our CEO currently wears a T-shirt and sneakers, you can have a beer with him) like going to Japan would be, but also looking forward to less work focus.

    Yeah, the mental math of money, units, will all be a lot. But we’ll get used to it!

    I’m stoked for the smaller, car-free, perhaps simpler life.