what is the best alternative to github ? my main requirements are that

  1. it should be free, and
  2. it should not go down or get discontinued anytime soon
  • @cult@lemmy.ml
    11 year ago

    What’s wrong with GitLab? Definitely the most mature alternative.

    If you’re really interested in something that will not go down or get discontinued anytime soon, I’d also suggest taking a look at Radicle which is P2P and free

    • @Tiuku
      61 year ago

      I believe that their open-core business model is the biggest con. New features aren’t guaranteed to land on the free version.

    • musicmatze
      11 year ago

      GitLab was known to be a resource hog not too long ago. I cannot comment on its current state, as I don’t use it, but someone I know has to maintain an instance with a few developers and they have a cronjob to kill the system and reboot it every once in a while because GitLab eats the system if not restarted every once in a while…