• ottergauze
    2 years ago

    Listen, I understand people’s viewpoints on this but I’d much rather have the website be “Fuck nazis” far-left than “I want to murder people because of their ethnicity” far-right. Anything other than that is complacent towards some hateful shit.

    • @vekku
      1 year ago

      deleted by creator

      • NXL
        42 years ago

        The issue comes from the authoritarians who think their authorianism is great because its done under a flag they like.

        i.e. people will completely deny uyghur genocide happening, or the fact the Putin is fascist as fuck and has been running a christian nationalist regime for decades.

        Its obvious their beliefs dont come from love of their people like the Black Panthers focused on. Their beliefs comes from hate so anything that makes the countries that are anti-west look bad they will deny or try to spin it and say its actually a good thing.

        They essentially run from one oppressor to another instead of understanding all the superpowers are run by people who dont care about the citizens. Nuance and compassion are important but instead they want to believe everything anything remotely anti-west is good and true and anything else is propaganda. Theyre like average redditors who will complain about tiktok being spyware because it’s a company from China and should be deleted while seeing no problem with Google’s spyware OS and apps.