• 52 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • SmokeyDope@lemmy.worldtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldIt broke again
    2 hours ago

    Oof bad guess. my daily driver is a used t460 made in 2015 running Mint. I said that used librebooted thinkpads are a great option to inexpensive preinstalled Linux machines. Are you sure you replied to the right person? Or are your reading comprehension skills fucked? Either way better luck next assumption

  • SmokeyDope@lemmy.worldtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldIt broke again
    5 hours ago

    Except all those Linux specific privacy/modularbility orientated PCs are expensive as hell with base models starting close to 1k last I checked. They’re aimed at the demographic of cushy tech nerds making bank tapping at a keyboard who care about opsec or right to repair and can comfortably afford dropping 1k on a new laptop without thinking twice about if that money has better uses.

    I and many others who don’t live in economic lah-lah land will NEVER be able to justify 1k spent on a laptop just because it has physical kill switches or modular parts and preloaded with a good Linux distro. These companies need to touch grass and come down a couple hundred dollars to the 400-500$ range then we can talk. Until that day comes, the guy selling librebooted thinkpads on eBay running popos or mint is the better option for those who live with the reality of not having a lot of money.

  • SmokeyDope@lemmy.worldtoWhat is this thing?@lemmy.worldWhat is this evil plant?
    10 hours ago

    I’m sorry to hear that. I love splitting hairs until I can at the very least chart out the molecular nano-structure of keratin in the hair cells with a proverbial electron microscope.

    Dont you think its kind of cool to look at split hair up close? Apparently the keratin is those little strands imbedded in the cell. But why stop there? Let’s keep splitting and examining and asking. Split the keratine into molecules that make it up, split the molicules into base atoms split those to find the nucleus in the atoms, the elections and neutrons and protons that make up that, the quarks that make up those, the boson, keep splitting and splitting until finally nothingness reveals itself to be at the core of all things. But what even is nothingness and the buzz of virtual particles causing quantum fluctuations that live within it? What’s that all about?

    “but what is X, what does it mean really?” Is a fun kind of question to ponder to me. I hope you enjoy expressing curiosity about the fundamental aspects of reality in other ways.

    The dry copy paste definition you gave kind of lines up with the conclusion that there is no concrete distinction when examing from a universal unbiased reference frame its just different forms of life doing their thing existing where they can out of chance and circumstance in an ever evolving world. The definitions are born from human biases, self interest and fear of change leading to disruptions or disasters.

    I feel its the same thing weeds. Whats the difference between a wild flower and a Dandylion? Human judgement and arbitrary language. Well, I like daffodils and dandelions, so fuck conventional made up definitions of what’s proper and not. They’re wildflowers to me!

  • I often wonder whats really the difference between a native species and an invasive one besides the relative time it was introduced to an environment in relation to the present?

    On a geological and evolutionary timeframe species are getting introduced, competing for resources, and going extinct all the time in every part of the world. The plant you consider a ‘native’ was really only introduced 25,000 years ago which might as well be an hour ago as far as life is concerned.

    If it takes 500 years for an ecosystem to rearrange and adapt to incorporate an ‘invasive species’ into the new balance, does that plant now quality as ‘native’ to the generations of people 500 years down the line? At what point does the line sperating invasive species vs native dissolve until it just arbitrary definitions set by what’s convinent to current humans and the present status quo in the ecosystem?

  • Maybe Instead of trying to memorize answers to exam questions, take some time to understand what is being presented to you. Examine, digest, and internalize the knowledge so it can be distilled into real understanding of the fundimental abstract concepts being conveyed.

    Its like the difference between skimming through a paragraph to track down one piece of information vs being invested in reading through the chapter in totality to appreciate the plot of a good story. One might get you a passing grade on this weeks exam in a pinch and let you get back to partying, the other let’s the core of the knowledge live in you forever or atleast long after school is over and your neurons start weakening with age.

    Let the ideas and concepts roll around in your mind like a fine wine tasting. Examine them, play with them, see how they line up with your pre-existing understandings of smilar concepts and reality in general. Make up some toy model example scenarios, visualize with your minds eye, see if its similar to a related concept you’re already familiar with. Think about the concepts and the abstractions and how they logically lead to exam solutions.

    Then when you’re tired of thinking and visualizing to the point your brain actually aches from the workout, rest. Play a game, watch some entertainment, have fun, get a good sleep and let your subconscious internalize all that knowledge. Allow your neurons to rearrange themselves to better model new patterns of information.

  • I use discord to contribute as a dev for open source project and constantly needing to pull up years old conversations for reference. One of the few ways my close-to-perfect memory actually helps out is remembering who said what and when word for word so I know exactly what keywords to type into the search bar. Its such a good feeling being able to go "oh yeah speaking of the suggestion on adding ambient tracks for X thing one of our composers already made test tracks for that like two years ago. Let me hunt down the tracks they uploaded. Now who exactly was that composer again? I think it was X, let me browse through their chat history pinpoints it on first try

  • Glad I could share my pieces and help get your brain juices flowing Can :) The Orb is a great piece the multiple holes give give you options in a way that a regular beaker or straight doesn’t. I still have my straight but I only reach for it occasionally for variety the orb is the real daily driver.

    For potential future reference: The glass bong is the orb v3 from vgoodiez.

    The hookah hose is made by GooRoo for their 3 in one hookah.

    I don’t know if you care about dry herb vaping at all but the vaporizers in the photos are the dynavap (m+), the portable arizer air max and the desktop arizer extremeq All this stuff goes on sale multiple times a year up to around 20% off so if you are interested but the price tags are too high just subscribe to the mailing list and keep an eye out during holidays especially 4/20 and christmas time.

  • Its kind of cool from a hacker perspective but really short sighted and not that functional. If your gonna mod your car like this at least connect a SBC like pi up to the display which can do general computing task AND emulate old games. A N64 just plays old games. A SBC can do anything including playing old games. A pi takes 5v and consumes 5 watts. I imagine an old N64 consumes quite a bit more power that drains the car battery.

    All for what, to play smash bros and sm64on an 14 inch display instead of eating for your lunch break ? This person wanted to see if they could do something, in this case splicing an n64 into a car which I respect. It just seems they never bothered to ask if the thing they’re doing makes sense from an efficiency, convinence, or functionality perspective.

  • Reading through your history I have to come to the conclusion you are either a long haul shitposter doing a character actor bit while venting some steam at Lemmy mod drama, or you are legitimately suffering from a kind of mental illness. If its the former, I respect your dedication to the bit. If its the latter, please talk to a trained professional. This level of disorganized, unhinged, and largely incoherent thoughts posting is a tell tale indication of schizophrenia. Like do you really think that a deep state mole actively seeks you out to downvote Lemmy post? Do you think writing your DoB and SSN in marker on your bare stomach and taking a picture of it is an appropriate way to prove identity on the internet? This is like one step removed from /x/ rants about the deep state replacing friends and family with clones and hiring MiB to gangstalk. Its straight illness dude. You might need help if you aren’t kidding, that’s the real mctruth for you.