Nineteen years since its founding, the social media site is finally going public.

  • JelloBrains
    44 months ago

    You thought it was going downhill before, but now that it will need to answer to money men, who want profits at all costs, it’s going to be sterilized eventually, piracy and porn are on borrowed time in my opinion.

    $193mm for the Spez, this world sucks sometimes. I wonder how long the current Reddit admins stick around once the IPO goes live, I wouldn’t be surprised if they cash out and run once their options go live.

    • snownyte
      14 months ago

      Or moderators.

      Like, how discouraging must it be for them, to learn now that the CEO made $193 million while they do all of the work and maintaining for free?

      But we’ll figure out the shills though in time, the ones who’ll stay. The ones who’ll find it rewarding to be corrupt pieces of shit.

  • ArugulaZ
    14 months ago

    They paid Lemur Boy $200 million dollars? Talk about failing upward. With that kind of money, it’s no wonder he told Reddit users to fuck off. He’ll never have to worry about criticism, or anything, ever.