The Michigan Republican Party is in default on a $500,000 loan and ignored a recent demand for immediate payment, according to a new court filing from Comerica Bank.
“The MRP has not responded to the Demand Letter and, as of the date of this Motion, has been in default for over 120 days,” bank attorneys wrote in an Ingham County Circuit Court response as the state party seeks control of its former headquarters for potential sale.
"It’s an illusion that (the debt) is a function of the Karamo administration,” her executive director, Jim Copas, told Bridge Michigan on Wednesday. "The Karamo administration has never taken one penny or created one-cent worth of debt with Comerica.”
The Michigan GOP could pay off the debt "tomorrow if we chose to,” Copas said. But the bank has not provided the administration requested details about the loan, and “we’re not convinced it’s legitimate,” he said.
Saying that loans you took out are fake news and refusing to pay them is definitely one way to fix your finances, I guess, if you never want another loan again and don’t want rich bankers to donate to you.
“we’re not convinced it’s legitimate,”
Wow, that’s terrible, maybe someone should introduce some legislation to regulate these monsters…
Alright, look rich banker people… I know you don’t like how we dems want to regulate the shit out of you for the safety of the public and tax your earnings, but you can deal with us, and the predictable, slow-moving stability we offer, or you can have these guys running things.
Think about it, okay?
What a financially responsible action from the party of fiscally responsible “adults”
Wow, that’s bonkers. I never want to see a democratic process implode, but it really couldn’t have happened to a nicer group of people.
They just wanted show on a small scale how they plan to manage federal debt.
… The same way a sov-cit handles a speeding ticket?
By crying about it and then ultimately paying the ticket + additional costs due to non-compliance. Sounds about right.
Fiscal Responsibility
Party of Law and Order.
That’s it? Man, I have a 900k mortgage and I’m doing fine. You’re telling me I could have owned the party apparatus of a major US state instead?
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This is what happens when any organization is run by an endless cascade of conspiracy theorist nutjobs. People who are unable to conceive or accept reality are also unable to manage reality including finances. Their strategy for everything is to gaslight and throw blame. There’s not even a shred of critical thinking about how they’re actually going to manage or solve the problem.
Gaslighting a bank will not work as well as gaslighting voters.