Me waiting for Olive to become stable:
What’s olive? Can’t find it anywhere.
This Olive:
It’s really ambitious, it tries to rival DaVinci Resolve with its node system, I already appreciate it a lot for its performance, though it might be lacking in some features for now.
One of them was masking, one time I even used Blender for a project (that I never completed), because its masking feature is just better and stabler, trying to animate the nodes of mask paths in Olive completely crashed it. It was some time ago now, though, so it might already be fixed.Still, Blender is kinda underrated as a video editor, it’s very capable and it’s incredibly stable, I think I experienced max 1 or 2 crashes if any, while Kdenlive has always been pretty crashy for me, it also doesn’t get enough love from the devs, there’s so much potential in integrating the 3D viewport into the VSE, ahh if only…
Aaand now this turned into a Blender ad for some reason, lmaoI used Blender as a video editor for a while. It worked really well. Very stable and the proxy system made editing on a low powered machine really nimble. I remember there was some project that offered a Blender setup geared specifically towards video editing. Can’t recall the name though. The Blender Velvets?!? That doesn’t sound right …
I also tried Olive many years back and thought it looked great but just wasn’t ready to push out ShotCut and KdenLive from my workflow. Glad they’re still working on it.
Thanks, I’ll check it out
Does anyone know how to donate to olive? I can’t find it anywhere
Should be this Patreon account according to their GitHub
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Is there an easy way to add text in Kdenlive? I’ve been using it for like a year and still can’t really figure it out. 😩
Or a better tool for the job?
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If I remember correctly text is an effect in kdenlive. It can be overlayed over any video.
Yes, but sadly only one line at a time. No multiline support (yet)
Huh, wierd. I remember I somehow did two lines in GOST Type A font.
Or a better tool for the job?
Olive is really good now that you can edit text on top of the video preview
Thanks, I’ll check it out!
I would switch if it had multiline text without those annoying tittles
Heh, you said tittles.
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Yeah, I get that. It’s quite annoying, but I haven’t had any other problems than that
What happened with shotcut?
At least for me, shotcut is really unstable, they’re removing features that I liked, old versions that worked previously are buggy … at least for me, it was a bad experience overall. Hadn’t had any of these problems with Kdenlive, so i switched
I tried a few FOSS NLEs and Kdenlive is my favorite. The native one from the Arch repos at least. I know the flatpak or AppImage versions can be problematic sometimes especially when you throw some weird files at it.
Yeah, I’ve never been a huge fan of Flatpaks, AppImages, Snaps etc., especially when it comes to interacting with the storage.
I just like to have the binary sitting in my binary folder, at least for “media creation” programs.
One, my sweet Olive. One day it will be your time to shine.
I took a look at it, and it does look really promising! I’m excited to see how it’s gonna turn out
How stable is it now? I never felt quite comfortable enough to do more elaborate projects with it.
It’s definitely stable enough for doing “real work” on, though the lack of GPU accelerated timeline playback can make some more complex projects a little difficult. I’ve used it for proper work plenty of times over the years (I survived the Covid lockdowns entirely with paid video editing from home, on Kdenlive, as my normal work was unavailable).
I still frequently save manually with a new filename, due to old version paranoia, but if I’m honest, it’s own “it saves every click in an ongoing temp file” sort of thing works great. You lose 2 seconds of work, then restart and restore.
Basic edits are likely to have no crashes at all, wheras ones where you, for example, pan and zoom with keyframes, then speed up, then reverse the footage, then try to re-edit the pan and zoom, might get its keyframes in a twist and crash frequently.
I’ve heard the Windows version is less stable.
Sounds better than my last experience with it, maybe I’ll try it again. But still, not 100% confidence inspiring
GPU acceleration is not a problem of playback, but how playback works
Me on Blender’s VSE
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Know any good plugins to improve it btw?
Personally I don’t, it’s been a while and my usage was never too professional. A quick web search doesn’t seem to show anything, though that’s probably due to the video editor’s obscurity.
I use both, because shortcut can make the video shake to the beat of musik
Wow really? What filter is this?
It’s a nice feature, but i don’t think it looks THAT nice
for memes its a usefull effect sometimes
Kernel panics because it wants too 🫥
exactly my experience