“Watch them not do shit”

“they’re pissed now but give it a week and they’ll fall back in line”

“They just haven’t gotten their marching orders yet”

“THERE SHE IS! Finally came out of your room to join the rest of the family, huh?” 😐

Stop fucking mocking them for finally, FINALLY starting to get it. All you guys are doing is pushing them back into their little maga bubble where they’ll dig and dig and dig until they find an explanation that fits Trumps narrative and makes their shame go away.

Literally. All you have to do is shut the fuck up and let them come to you. Let them join the fucking family. For fuck sake.

If you think that behavior is helping or that mocking someone you want on your side is the way to go you’re an actual idiot. No better than them. (Maybe a little better, but still.)

I know. I get it. We’re pissed. But look-you hated that shit when you were a teenager hiding away in your room to avoid getting shit on.

This is that SAME shit. We’re at the point now where maga is actually getting it. If we punish that behavior they’ll crawl right back in their maga caves regardless if they WANT to come out or not.

So PLEASE. Encourage the behavior you want to see or shut the fuck up. We’re trying to change the world for the better not shit on everyone that doesn’t think like us. Stop it.

Edit: Christ. Yes, we need to stand firm, we shouldn’t reward shitty behavior, we shouldn’t lay down and take it. I can’t believe i have to say this shit. WE CAN STILL DO THESE THINGS WITHOUT SHITTING ON THE ONES THAT ARE STARTING TO WONDER IF WE’RE RIGHT. Holy fuck. Cannot believe I’m having to explain decency on this sub. (And speaking of-did none of you ever stop to think the “democrats are too nice and forgiving” shit might’ve been just more propaganda to further the division? Our whole thing is supposed to be about empathy, but now half of y’all are convinced you’re not mean enough. And that didn’t raise any red flags with you? We should know better than anyone that empathy doesn’t equal weakness. That kind of thought is a maga thing.)

Originally Posted By u/girl_onfire_ At 2025-03-26 10:16:32 AM | Source